We Provide the Following Services:
Individual Consultations for adults or students as well as Group Sessions for adults / students
Training / coaching includes :
* Resilience Skills for Coping with Adversity * Applied Positivity Skills in the Workplace * Cultivating the Awareness of Pessimistic Thoughts and Strategies to Overcome These * Learning to Control Pessimistic Self-Talk * Raising The Level of Your Day to Day Emotions and Overall Well-Being * Discover Your Tipping Point for Positive Outcomes from Positive Emotions * Enhanced Concentration and Creativity * Goal Setting * Outcomes Orientation * New Rules for The Blame Game * Anger Management * Forgiveness * Focus in the Present, Etc.
Consultations include a free personal strengths assessment and can take place in person or over the Internet / Skype.
Workshop in Applied Positive Psychology for members of the Helping Professions and Coaches - Teaching you how to let your clients benefit by applying Positive Psychology tools - knowledge transfer in practical skills including: Signature Strenghts Development, Rumination Awareness and Control, Broadening an Individual's Positivity Base, Mindfulness Practice, Simple Resilience Tools your clients can use for countering Everyday Adversity.
Training / coaching includes :
* Resilience Skills for Coping with Adversity * Applied Positivity Skills in the Workplace * Cultivating the Awareness of Pessimistic Thoughts and Strategies to Overcome These * Learning to Control Pessimistic Self-Talk * Raising The Level of Your Day to Day Emotions and Overall Well-Being * Discover Your Tipping Point for Positive Outcomes from Positive Emotions * Enhanced Concentration and Creativity * Goal Setting * Outcomes Orientation * New Rules for The Blame Game * Anger Management * Forgiveness * Focus in the Present, Etc.
Consultations include a free personal strengths assessment and can take place in person or over the Internet / Skype.
Workshop in Applied Positive Psychology for members of the Helping Professions and Coaches - Teaching you how to let your clients benefit by applying Positive Psychology tools - knowledge transfer in practical skills including: Signature Strenghts Development, Rumination Awareness and Control, Broadening an Individual's Positivity Base, Mindfulness Practice, Simple Resilience Tools your clients can use for countering Everyday Adversity.
- ''Thriving with the Unfair Advantage' workshop for fast tracking careers: About increasing productivity, promoting higher earnings, reducing the number of sick-days, improving your creative and problem solving abilities, how to take advantage of what you are really good at, managing pessimistic people, influences, colleagues and subordinates, shining corporate spotlight on your career.
- The Glass Half Full workshop - teaching individuals How to Live a Thriving Life, Cultivating Beneficial Habits and Behaviors Leading to "The Good Life".
- Guided Weight Loss Programme
- South African and International Signature Strengths Assessment and Training Programs, Change Management Interventions and Consultancy Services on request. Please contacts us on [email protected] for further information about these and other corporate services
Positive Make-Over:
- Assessment by a qualified dietician including blood profiles
- Goal setting and weekly objectives within ideal weight range
- Personalised eating plan
- Prescription nutritional supplements to assist in weight loss and overall wellness
- Daily motivation
- Journaling
- Personal strengths assessment and pointers on how to use them
- Photo portfolio
- Work with Image Consultant to make you look your best.
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